On this page you can find all posts related to the Microsoft Intune – like getting started, configuration etc.

Have fun with reading!

Quiet installation of Juniper Secure Connect

Quiet installation of Juniper Secure Connect

Last time I was asked to create a package for Juniper Secure Connect which will be installed from Microsoft Intune to end-user devices. As always, installation of that package should be fully automated and without any of interaction for the end-user. First, download a...

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Use DFCI to control devices inside your Surface via Intune!

Use DFCI to control devices inside your Surface via Intune!

On today's post I want to show you how to control your devices - like camera, Bluetooth on your organization Surface devices via Microsoft Intune. It will be not difficult to configure it, but it has one important requirement which should be passed first: Check it on...

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Microsoft Surface Deployment Accelerator

Microsoft Surface Deployment Accelerator

Last time I was reading documentation about Microsoft Surface devices and found something interesting with name Microsoft Surface Deployment Accelerator. What this tool can do? It is a set of script created by Microsoft to create fully automated of Windows...

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Manage your Service Devices via SEMM – part three.

Manage your Service Devices via SEMM – part three.

And welcome to the part three of my series about Managing Surface devices via SEMM. Previously I wrote something about the manual package via Configurator. Next - about some automation via Manager. On this third post I want to focus to show you how to get this.......

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Manage your Surface device(s) via SEMM – part two.

Manage your Surface device(s) via SEMM – part two.

So - here we are again. This time on the second post about SEMM for Surface Devices. On previous post I wrote what is SEMM and how to use UEFI Configurator which is... not automated and require every time action from the Administrator. On this post I will show you how...

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Manage your Surface device(s) via SEMM

Manage your Surface device(s) via SEMM

Last time I had possibility to work with Microsoft Surface devices. I was working with Surface Pro 7+ and Surface Pro X. I learned a lot a lot about those devices and... Today I want to share one thing which I learned about them. On this article you will read what is...

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Monitoring #MEM oraz #Azure AD

Monitoring #MEM oraz #Azure AD

Coś, o czym dawno chciałem już napisać a z racji tego, że temat jest obecnie mocno na topie, to.. Dlaczego by nie napisać? Monitorowanie zmian w środowisku jest ważne. Pokazuje nam kto, co, gdzie i jak zmienia. Dzięki temu możemy wiedzieć, że osoba A zmieniła coś na...

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Cichy Deployment VMware Remote Console za pomocą PSDAT

Cichy Deployment VMware Remote Console za pomocą PSDAT

PSADT, czyli ostatnio moja miłość jeżeli chodzi o packaging. Nigdy nie byłem specjalistą z paczkowania, ale w nowej firmie (gdzie w sumie pracuję od ponad roku zacząłęm się tego uczyć...). No i padło na #psadt - czyli PowerShellAppDeploymentToolkit. Dużo już o tym...

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