On this page you can find all posts related to the Surface devices. Especially managing them with or without Microsoft Intune.

Have fun with reading!

Use DFCI to control devices inside your Surface via Intune!

Use DFCI to control devices inside your Surface via Intune!

On today's post I want to show you how to control your devices - like camera, Bluetooth on your organization Surface devices via Microsoft Intune. It will be not difficult to configure it, but it has one important requirement which should be passed first: Check it on...

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Microsoft Surface Deployment Accelerator

Microsoft Surface Deployment Accelerator

Last time I was reading documentation about Microsoft Surface devices and found something interesting with name Microsoft Surface Deployment Accelerator. What this tool can do? It is a set of script created by Microsoft to create fully automated of Windows...

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Microsoft Surface Diagnostic Toolkit for Business

Microsoft Surface Diagnostic Toolkit for Business

Doing the troubleshooting of devices is one of most difficult work for the end-users. Every time there are multiple questions what should be done or they are afraid if they doing it correctly. And here for a help is coming.... Microsoft Surface Diagnostic Toolkit for...

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Manage your Service Devices via SEMM – part three.

Manage your Service Devices via SEMM – part three.

And welcome to the part three of my series about Managing Surface devices via SEMM. Previously I wrote something about the manual package via Configurator. Next - about some automation via Manager. On this third post I want to focus to show you how to get this.......

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Manage your Surface device(s) via SEMM – part two.

Manage your Surface device(s) via SEMM – part two.

So - here we are again. This time on the second post about SEMM for Surface Devices. On previous post I wrote what is SEMM and how to use UEFI Configurator which is... not automated and require every time action from the Administrator. On this post I will show you how...

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Manage your Surface device(s) via SEMM

Manage your Surface device(s) via SEMM

Last time I had possibility to work with Microsoft Surface devices. I was working with Surface Pro 7+ and Surface Pro X. I learned a lot a lot about those devices and... Today I want to share one thing which I learned about them. On this article you will read what is...

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