Windows 365 and Place a CPC under review feature

by | Oct 3, 2023 | Intune, Windows 365 | 0 comments

Last time I was asked if there is possiblity to make a full copy of disk for Windows 365 device.

On physical device – you have physical access to the device, on the device on the cloud? Not, so how to make 1:1 copy and investigate it when there are some situation which are require digital forensics ?

And here we have feature named “Place a CloudPC under review”. When we will use that feature, there will be a possiblity to download a .vhdx file which is contain 1:1 copy of disk for Windows 365 machine.

Windows 365 and Place a CPC under review feature

This disk can be after attachted to our device which are is of course, not connected to our corporate network.

So, to use that feature are couple of requirements which should be filled first.

Storage account

First, you need to create a storage account with required settings:

  • Performance: Premium
  • Premium account type: Page blobs
  • Security: Minimum TLS version: Version 1.2
  • Networking: Network access: Enable public access from all networks

Like on below screen:

Windows 365 and Place a CPC under review feature
Select proper region for your Windows 365 machines
Windows 365 and Place a CPC under review feature
Use the 1.2 TLS version
Windows 365 and Place a CPC under review feature
Select Enable public access from all networks

On the next steps, I will be not selecting versioning – because it’s temporary storage for doing dumps of vhdx of my machines.

Permission for Windows 365 principal for Storage account

On this step you need to add role named Storage Account Contributor to our storage acount. Go to newly created storage account > IAM > select proper role and click next

Windows 365 and Place a CPC under review feature
Storage Account Contributor

This role should be assigned to the “Windows 365” service principal.

Windows 365 and Place a CPC under review feature

Save changes.

Intune feature

To use that feature, go to any of CloudPC and select more options > Place Cloud PC under review:

Windows 365 and Place a CPC under review feature

Next, you should select Subscription and Storage account and… option to decide if user should have access to the machine during review.

Windows 365 and Place a CPC under review feature

If you select allow – end-user will be able to use machine, if block access – end user will got a information that machine is now not accessible and should contact with administrator, like on below screen:

Windows 365 and Place a CPC under review feature

Review of file

File will be visible on your storage account, like on this screen:

Windows 365 and Place a CPC under review feature

This file can be downloaded and analyzed.

Review completed?

Now you can remove from review from end-user machine.

Windows 365 and Place a CPC under review feature

If is needed – re-provision machine or allow user to work on snaphshot from time when review was initialized.

And.. It’s everything. Now you know how to do a copy of disk for CloudPC machine.

Anyway, Microsoft it is now focused to improve usage of Windows 365 machines – you can also check one of the previous feature named Boot To Cloud which I described on that post – Windows 365 Boot To Cloud! –

If you have any question, drop me an email or use the comment system below.

Jakub Piesik

Jakub Piesik

Microsoft 365 Consultant

I’m writing not only about Intune and Windows 365. I’m writing about everything what I leared previously and want to share with you!

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