Synology DS620Slim – Part three

Backup, backup everywhere! Use Active Backup for Business or HyperBackup to have your data safe! Uh, part three finally finished. In part two I have written that I will be showing more information about DLNA and sharing multimedia from NAS to my TV, but I decided to...

Synology DS620Slim – Part two

Second part of my series about Synology NAS. A couple of days ago I wrote a post about an initial configuration of Synology devices. Our device has configured Network and volume, where we can store our data. But first, we need to configure share folders and...

Synology DS620Slim – Part one

What if I want to show you how to use Synology NAS on your home lab? A couple of months ago I received a new device which was used on my home. I also created a couple of blog posts, but all were written in the Polish language. Now I want to show you, how I...

[PL] Dodajemy NASa Synology do Active Directory

Krótki post na temat dodania NASa Synology do usług Active Directory W poprzednim wpisie pokazałem wam w jaki sposób skonfigurować Synology Active Backup for Business z pojedyńczym urządzeniem. Dziś chciałbym trochę nawiązać do tego wpisu oraz dodać nasze...